pin round up


that one little word can suck just about anyone in. pinterest if a website full of everything; clothes, wedding ideas, recipes, or funny pictures. you can find just about anything you want to on pinterest. here are 5 pins i've pinned recently that i'd thought i would share with you.

1. these adorable little pouches would be perfect for a day at the beach, pool, or lake. who doesn't love a neon water proof bag?!

2. this print is going to go perfect in my dream bathroom/closet one day.

3. all of these bulletin board ideas make me wish i had a giant bulletin board in my apartment that needed decorating. i hear the author of this blog is pretty cool, as well.

4. boxer shorts are my fav things to sleep in, but these are just in a whole new ballpark. scalloped AND monogrammed, i might just pass out.

5. this picture accurately describes me. every single day of my life. no shame.

do y'all have any recent to die for pins? comment below with a link to them!

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  1. I love all of those... especially the boxers. Twins?!
