linking up with lauren for #H54F
1. i actually got my grades last a couple weeks ago but i never posted them here. i am very proud of myself and the hard work i put in to make these happen, hopefully next semester i can get no c's. and it just prooves i'm in the major i'm meant for - i never got good grades in college till i switched my major.
3. i mentioned the grage sale last week but i cleaned out my room including the closet and dressers and my room is so much lighter; or as mother said, "clean spirits" what ever that means. i have to admit that it was a lot easier throwing tons of stuff away after not using it for three years.
4. during my cleaning out i found these ear plugs, they couldn't come at a better time because mother and father love to wake up early and since i can hear tons of things in my room these will come in handy more often than not. i told my mother the other day i thought the lawn mower was going to come right through my window, i mean seriously who mows the lawn at 8am?!
5. and i'll leave you guys with a picture of my roommate's cat in tuscaloosa. i miss her chubby little cuddles
comment below your five highs for the week and i hope you have a great weekend!
If you woke up early with me, you wouldn't need ear plugs!