pin round up


that one little word can suck just about anyone in. pinterest if a website full of everything; clothes, wedding ideas, recipes, or funny pictures. you can find just about anything you want to on pinterest. here are 5 pins i've pinned recently that i'd thought i would share with you.

1. these adorable little pouches would be perfect for a day at the beach, pool, or lake. who doesn't love a neon water proof bag?!

2. this print is going to go perfect in my dream bathroom/closet one day.

3. all of these bulletin board ideas make me wish i had a giant bulletin board in my apartment that needed decorating. i hear the author of this blog is pretty cool, as well.

4. boxer shorts are my fav things to sleep in, but these are just in a whole new ballpark. scalloped AND monogrammed, i might just pass out.

5. this picture accurately describes me. every single day of my life. no shame.

do y'all have any recent to die for pins? comment below with a link to them!

a sunshine award!!

i am so so SO flattered that My Carolina Classroom nominated me for a Sunshine Blogger Award!! i am so excited that she thought of little old me! :)

the rules of the Sunshine Blogger Award are:
1. post 11 random facts about yourself
2. answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you
3. nominate 11 bloggers who you think bring sunshine to the world
4. make up 11 questions for your nominations to answer

1 // post 11 random facts about yourself:

1 - the little couple is one of my favorite shows 
2 - i take a nap almost every day
3 - i've always wanted to work with kids. i had always wanted to be a 4th grade teacher and then i took one of those career tests and received neonatal nurse and i was like "yes!! i will do that!" then when i found out how hard nursing school is so i chose elementary education as a major. during my sophomore year i was placed in a newborn classroom and fell in love with the younger kids. i changed my major to early childhood just a couple days later!
4 - my bed has to be made every day 
5 - i have been filling a piggy bank since my freshman year of college and when i graduate i am going to roll all the coins - cross your fingers for BIG money!
6 - i took piano lessons almost the entire time i was in school 
7 - when i graduate i want to move to nashville or atlanta
8 - i have no cousins
9 - paris and new york are my dream locations to live if i were rich and famous
10 - i danced for 5 or 6 years including point, tap, modern, jazz, and hip hop; however, you'll rarely find me on the dance floor at the bars
11 - i get complimented daily on how confident i am (not to sound conceded) and every time i am overly flattered, i think that's the biggest compliment you can give someone!

2 // answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you:

1 - if you could visit any place in the world, where would you go?
i would go to africa, i've always wanted to go and explore a totally different environment than the one i'm used to.
2 - what is your absolute favorite book?
i have waaayyyy too many but a few would be the great gatsby and the christmas box (shout out to the big sis)
3 - why did you start blogging?
i used to blog in high school and sorta continued off and on through college. after a while of not blogging i figured why not give it another go and that invented messy buns and yoga pants
4 - what is your favorite part about blogging?
getting my thoughts out in the open, meeting new people, and having something that's for me
5 - what advice for new bloggers?
i'm a technically a new blogger but some advice i think is good is to blog about what you want to, don't stress about stats, and do it until it makes you unhappy!
6 - do you hate packing your lunch as much as i do?
i don't currently pack my lunch right now, but when i do- yes!
7 - what is your favorite part about working with kids?
the impact that one single word you say can have on them. the other day one of my second graders asked me to walk outside with her during recess and she just talked and talked about her family and her life at home. my heart melted at some of the things she said and i was just so happy she is comfortable around me enough to open up like that.
8 - what is your favorite weekend activity?
9 - what social media site is your favorite?
instagram or pinterest
10 - what is one thing about you that people are surprised by?
i have a tattoo
11 - if you could go back in time, would you?
nope, without the past i wouldn't be who i am today. live with no regrets!

3 // nominate 11 bloggers who you think bring sunshine to the world:

i don't have 11 but here are a few i make sure to read every day and they always bring sunshine to my days!

amanda at dixie delights
samantha at hooah and hiccupps
parker at fast foodie

4 // make up 11 questions for your nominations to answer:

1 - how is one way you de-stress?
2 - what is something you cannot leave the house without?
3 - what is one of your favorite quotes that you try to live by everyday?
4 - how would you spend your money if you won the lottery?
5 - cats or dogs?
6 - what is your perfect vacation?
7 - what is one thing that you can not stand?
8 - what is the first thing you do in the morning?
9 - are you a good secret keeper or are you a tell all?
10 - what is your favorite post that you have blogged?
11 - what is your favorite 90s show?

10 thoughts tuesday

ten random thoughts that are going through my head right now...

1. why is keeping up with the kardashians always on e! ?
2. why are yoga pants so comfortable?
3. i can't decide if tcby or dip n dots taste better
4. emi-jays are some of the best inventions
5. i stubbed my toe about a week ago and it's still swollen and bruised :(
6. only 8 more wake ups till my 21st birthday!!!
7. only 2 more wake ups till i'm at the beach with my mom for a quiet relaxing weekend
8. heated blankets are a blessing and a curse (blessing because i am cold all.the.time. and a curse since i never want to leave my toasty/cozy bed
9. friends never gets old
10. it's about time to bust out the nike shorts, guess it's a good thing i'm going to the beach this weekend to put some sun on these legs of mine.

what do you think; tcby or dip n dots? comment your choice below!

throwback thursday

jimmy, katelyn, me, and maureen circa a long time ago
didn't everyone have matching windbreaker jumpsuits to wear on family outings?

ten thoughts tuesday

i thought i would start a new thing here at mb&yp. ten thoughts tuesday. every tuesday i am going to post 10 thoughts about whatever i'm feeling that day. i'd like for y'all to join in, either in the comments or on your own blog! so for today's ten thoughts tuesday i am blogging about ten thoughts that go through my head during the 55 minutes of pure torture people like to call pure barre. i have a serious love/hate relationship with pure barre, but it's mainly love with a hint of hate.

1. 5 minutes to class, still time to bail
2. oh no, *insert strict teacher's name* is teaching today
3. here we go; lift the legs, point the toes
4. don't fall over, don't fall over, don't fall over
5. yes, the seat exercise on the floor. time to pretend i'm doing the moves when i'm actually just laying       here trying not to pass out
6. stop pushing me down farther, i can only go so far in my split
7. oh this is my jam, wait it's the remix one... no it's going too fast. "...i'm gonna make a change, for           once in my life...gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference..."
8. yes! they are turning the lights off, time for cool down
9. man that was a great class, i'm so glad i came today!
10. ow, ow, ow, ow, ow

what are your ten thoughts for today? leave a comment below telling me at least one, i'd love to hear!
happy tuesday, it's almost hump day!!

somebody has to say it

tuscaloosa needs a fazoli's.

my friends and i are addicted to a local hole in the wall japanese restaurant here in tuscaloosa. and though we love it and visit it about two to three times a week, we crave some fast food italian. back home we have a good ole fazoli's and i spent many an afternoon there talking for hours with friends back in high school. it was divine. i often made my sister go with me and i still talk about it constantly. i have been craving fazoli's for a good couple of weeks now. their mouth watering, bad for you garlic sticks make my mouth drool just thinking about it. i finally had an epiphany; why is there not a fazoli's in tuscaloosa? they could make so much money here and take our student bama cash. i would spend a pretty penny there, and hopefully the same case would apply at fazoli's like when i told the workers at my fav japanese restaurant. "y'all should write a thank you note to my parents for them keeping you guys in business" they laughed and responded "really though!" (oh i love them so) 

so there. i said it. it is now out in the open. can anyone get me a fazoli's?

High five for Friday

i'm participating once again in the lauren elizabeth's HF4F!! this week has flown by crazy fast so here are my not so exciting, exciting top five!

1. when my sister was in town we randomly decided to paint my room and redo it. we promised each other next time she visits, it will be filled with food and drinks.

 2. while watching the oscars, my friend decided that my roommate's cat would make a purrfect pianist for frozen's "let it go"

 3. speaking of the oscars... anyone else witness john travolta's embarrassing mistake of idina menzel's name? he's since apologized and she has said she doesn't really care but now there is a website that will "travoltify" your name.

4. my sister and i spotted a girl scout cookie stand on the side of the road and risked our lives to get a few boxes of heaven. i have since been eating them for breakfast and i have no regrets.

5. i am going to a gymnastics meet tonight and my friend surprised me with floor seats!

one of those weeks

happy thursday! it's my friday today which makes me so happy!

i stumbled across this video the other day on facebook. which by the way, all of a sudden people are reposting all these links to their pages, its like the bumper stickers of 2014! i may have spent way too many hours finding the perfect ones to send to my friends. 

anyyy whosies, i watched this video and was rolling with laughter, his frustration reminded me of how i felt this week. it's about that time in the semester when all of my teachers assign huge projects due on the same day and tests on the same day and it's just so frustrating! i feel like this guy, i start on one assignment and i make it to my goal and then it's like NOPE keep going you have even more work to do and i have to start all over. obviously i know that this is what college is but i'm just so ready for spring break, which is only 14 days away. i'm not counting down the seconds or anything

do any of you have any favorite hilarious youtube videos? post a comment below with the link because i could use a little more procrastination material, said no college student ever. 

have a great rest of your thursday!!

braggin' by mary marie

happy monday!!

i hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! mine was spent having lots of fun with my sister and redoing my bedroom, ill have a weekend recap for y'all later this week, but for now i'm going to talk about braggin'.

if you haven't already noticed, i have a page at the top of my blog that says "shop" this link will take you to mine and my sister's etsy store, braggin' by mary marie. we started braggin' in the summer of 2013 as something fun to do together. we had always said that we wanted our own boutique one day and this just seemed like a good place to start. i will be hosting some give aways on the blog from time to time so keep your eyes peeled!

we sell monogrammed t-shirts, towels, bags, hats and more!

comment below and tell us what your favorite item in the shop is or comment if you have any suggestions - we do custom orders!

until tomorrow!