i made it out

hello friends!

i am finished with fall 2014 school semester. i had five exams - two "online", and a social psychology paper, along with countless presentations due (after thanksgiving break) that stood between me and christmas break. but i made it. i am currently sitting on my brother's couch in atlanta waiting for mother to come pick me up so we can head to florida for a few relaxing days at the beach.

i can't wait to watch abc families countdown to christmas, the rest of ellen's 12 days of give aways, and to sleep all the while cuddling with the muffin. i'll see y'all here next week - hope you guys have a relaxing weekend!

to end this post, a picture of how i felt these past few days...

a little busy

happy monday!

i'm just popping in today to let y'all know that these past couple weeks and these next two weeks have been and will be a little busy for me, but after exams next week i will be back to blogging more regularly.

i hope everyone had a great thanksgiving, i know that i have a lot to be thankful for!